I compiled a few of my favorite business essentials, faith essentials, office and home products, must-read books, and more to support you! Sometimes, just knowing what products and tools to use can save you time and give you peace of mind knowing you're using something that has worked well for me, my faith, and my business!

Tools for Success

Liana's Favorite

IF YOU AREN'T IN A HABIT OF READING, START NOW! Some of the greatest tools we will ever have for growing our faith and business are books! I included a list of books I love and think everyone should read!

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Business essentials


Faith essentials

Content Essentials

Must-Read Books

Must-Read Books

Favorite Products

Non-Profits I support

The Case
for Christ

Why I recommend

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The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

Why I Recommend

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Get Out of
Your Head

Why I recommend

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Redeeming Love
a Novel

Why I Recommend

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Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible

Why I Recommend

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You Are the Girl
for the Job

Why I Recommend

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This book takes 2 hours to read and will absolutely change your life in the best way. It taught me how to walk in freedom! SO AMAZING!

IF YOU OWN A BUSINESS, YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! One of the biggest things that holds us back is us. Learn how to be victorious and get out of your head!

I was not expecting this book to change my life, but it did. I see marriage differently, my relationship with Jesus differently. Every woman needs to read this book!

If you are a Christian, this is excellent to learn more about actual evidence to back what you believe. If you aren't a Christian, this book may answer questions you have!

It is ESSENTIAL to know how to study God's Word! This book is amazing, Biblically sound and easy to go through because of how it's broken up.

Oof! Another amazing book every woman needs to read! Whether your goal is to have a side hustle, to be a mom full time, or to be a 7-figure CEO, this book is essential to read.

Grace Over Grind

Why I recommend

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As business owners, it's so important to take care of ourselves. We need to prioritize rest as much as we prioritize work! This book teaches all about that.

The E Myth Revisited

Why I recommend

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I have a business degree and don't know why they didn't include this book in the curriculum! It teaches amazing principles that greatly helped my business!

The Bondage Breaker

Why I recommend

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I began struggling with my mental health when I was a kid and read this. I don't know if I would be here today if not for what I learned and applied through this book.


I've compiled my favorite resources into one place for you! I pray you will learn and live the lessons taught in these resources, and that your faith and business will THRIVE! click the button below!

Faithful Business Building Resources
