








Learn Healthy Spiritual Habits

Start a profitable business

Make an eternal impact

Afraid of what could
happen if you start your business before you're ready OR before you hear from God?

Are you procrastinating starting a business until you get the "green light" from God (AKA you keep praying for more signs)?

Do you lack clarity on how to take your big ideas and turn them into something practical and purposeful?

Are you tired of battling the enemy's lies and wish you had a trusted mentor to guide you through business AND faith?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the world's way of doing business: "work harder, achieve more, manifest your dream life"?

Do any of these sound like you?

Every day, you're shown a new, trendy business strategy to try — yet none of it feels aligned with God's Word, leaving you feeling like you either have to choose the world's way of doing business or not do it at all. But it doesn't have to be this way.

This course hands you the tutorials, templates, and specific steps to strategically use your God-given gifts to build a profitable business from a Biblical POV while learning to hear from God and trust Him with it all.

Ready to get started?

What if you knew the specific steps to build a purposeful, profitable business while keeping Jesus at the center?

I want the steps!

Terri Lantes

I started trusting the Lord and being obedient in areas I didn't believe were worth being obedient to Him... Since then, my business has flourished, calls have come in and the Lord has not stopped blessing and providing!

the reviews

What's Inside the course

Learn what it means to keep Jesus at the center of it all by becoming "others-first," studying God's Word, and developing healthy spiritual habits.

Phase 01: Firm Foundations

Develop an abundant money mindset by redefining your relationship with finances, learning what God says about money, and living like a steward instead of an owner.

Phase 02: Biblical Money Mindset

Find out where you're at on the surrender scale by auditing your trust in God and learn how to share your faith in your business even when other's "don't get it."

Phase 03: Trusting God with Your Business

Create your business idea based on who you're broken for, learn how to validate your idea with God, and determine its profitability potential.

Phase 04: Clarity in What Business to Start

Determine whether you should create digital or physical products, and learn how to name and price offers intentionally.

Phase 05: Creating Your Offers

Make your business legit by securing your website domain and social names, forming your LLC, and learn which legal contracts are necessary for new business owners to have.

Phase 06: Necessary Legal & Financial Steps

Organize your business by planning your week with Jesus, managing your tasks and procedures, creating positive client and customer experiences, and more.

Phase 07: Streamlined Systems & Policies

Learn brand-elevating design tips from guest expert Bri Summers with Brighten Made plus how to create your logo and choose your fonts and colors.

Phase 08: Branding Your Business

Navigate social media as a Christian as you set up your social profile(s) for success, create profitable content, and position yourself as an expert online.

Phase 09: Social Media

Develop the mindset you need to sell your offers confidently and learn the key to creating a consistent income to stay profitable.

Phase 10: Selling & Tracking Your Profits

I want to learn it all!

+ Feeling unworthy
+ Afraid of trying something new in your business
+ Stressed/anxious
+ Frustrated
+ Comparison
+ Lack of money
+ Lack of Time
+ Confusion on where to go next
+ Jealousy
+ Worried About making the wrong decision
+ Indecisiveness
+ Imposter Syndrome

Get access to exclusive Biblical Affirmations that you can listen to on the go for extra encouragement in almost every business area where doubt might creep in like...

I want this bonus!


"It was worth every single cent I poured into this and Liana gave me back in return far more than I felt like I invested."

Laura Lambert

"I started trusting the Lord and being obedient in areas I didn't believe were worth being obedient to Him... Since then, my business has flourished, calls have come in, and the Lord has not stopped blessing and providing!"

Terri Lantes

"I can't even believe how far I've come, and it was all because of Liana's amazing instruction, dedication to details, and dedication to me to make sure I really 'got it'..."

Tiffany Tutu

"I  could not have started this business without Liana. She is one of the most dedicated leaders I've ever met..."

Alyssa Carlson

"She reaffirmed that I need to find pockets of time in my day that I have and ask God to meet me where I am because He knows where I am."

Carissa Farrah

"I hit a huge milestone on TikTok— 100k Followers, and it was thanks to the AMAZING direction and focus Liana helped me achieve!"

Laura Lambert

"This was a financial investment for me, and I don't take that lightly. It was worth every single cent I poured into this and she gave me back in return far more than I felt like I invested.

She approached everything from a biblical perspective and also gave me practical tips and tools to use for my business moving forward. It wasn't just lofty advice. She gave me very clear directives."

Laura Lambert

"I knew Liana was the coach for me when I found out she loves Jesus as much as I do. I knew this endeavor would only succeed with God.

I can't even believe how far I've come, and it was all because of Liana's amazing instruction, dedication to details, and dedication to me to make sure I really 'got it' and understood how to be able to build this business on my own when I graduated from her program!"

Tiffany Tutu

"In the beginning of my faithful business building with Liana, I questioned "How will my faith further my business? How will my obedience to God further my business?" Let me tell you from personal experience— WOW.

I started trusting the Lord and being obedient in areas I didn't believe were worth being obedient to Him... Since then, my business has flourished, calls have come in and the Lord has not stopped blessing and providing! I am forever thankful for Liana!"

Terri Lantes

Know Jesus more intimately and study God's Word consistently.

Trade the countless hours you'd spend online searching for answers for the skills you need to...

What You'll Learn




Feel confident in your knowledge so you can start a business the right way.

Gain clarity for exactly who to serve and what to offer them.


Have 3 offers created, named, and priced so you can start earning income right away.

Create profitable photo and video content consistently and without overwhelm.




Have a healthier thought life and learn how to thrive in adversity.

Seamlessly incorporate your faith into your business.

Ready to get started?
Here's how it works.

Just follow these three steps:

Complete the Action Steps in Each Lesson

Start a Profitable, Jesus-Centered Business

joining the course and experiencing results is simple.

Get immediate access to the lessons, templates, and specific steps you need to start and grow your business.

Enroll in the Course and Prioritize the Content




Each lesson includes an action step for you to complete that will lead you to your ultimate outcome (see step 03).

Experience the joy of a business and life sustained by the Lord, which will overflow into the people you're called to serve!

I'm ready to start!

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Ready to walk in your God-given calling, provide for yourself financially, and live a life of immeasurably more... all through the way you operate your business?

I'm ready to do this!

Then I realized it wasn't what I didn't have but how I was doing business that kept me from experiencing what God had for me as an entrepreneur. Maybe you can relate?

Our culture wants us to think that we're doing a good thing by setting big goals and achieving them. We're told that hitting these goals helps us, our clients, and our customers.

I felt like I lacked everything needed to start my business, too.

Meet your coach: liana

But when I operated this way in business, I ran into some big problems:

Because I put my goals and dreams first, it made disappointments feel bigger. I saw numbers instead of people. I created products based on money instead of products that people really needed. I compared myself to other business owners instead of focusing on the impact that can't be measured on this side of heaven,

When I began praying and building my business around addressing the needs God revealed to me, I stressed and strived less. I operated with more love, passion, confidence, and less disappointment.

On top of that, I naturally began earning more of an income, including 5-figures my first month as a Christian Business Coach. I also had more excess to give.

It cost me my joy, freedom, and true purpose. So I surrendered it all to God.

Friend, money isn't bad. Success isn't bad. Having big dreams isn't bad. But... Those things alone make a very poor foundation for a business.

This is why I created Faithful Business Starter™.

Using my degree in Social Entrepreneurship, my background in sales, and wisdom from studying the Bible inductively for over a decade — I'm handing you the specific steps needed to build a profitable, eternally-impactful business on the unchanging foundation of Jesus instead of a worldly foundation that changes daily.

Simply enroll to get started, experience a breakthrough in every module, and leave with a profitable, purposeful business centered on and sustained by Jesus alone.

I'm all in!

While many courses focus on faith OR business, Faithful Business Starter™ blends the two practically and profitably. You'll get tutorials, templates, and specific steps to strategically build a business from a Biblical POV while learning to hear from God, surrender it all, and trust Him with every part of your business.

Combines faith & business

Prioritizes healthy spiritual habits

We believe that what you build, you have to sustain, and what God builds, He will sustain. This is why the foundation of this course was created to help you develop healthy spiritual habits centered around partnering with God to build your business so you can move forward in faith and confidence instead of second-guessing every next step.

Focuses on Impact & Profit

Ever feel like you have to choose between a purpose-focused business OR a profit-driven one? (Spoiler alert: you don't!) This course hands you the roadmap for building a business with eternal impact while making a profitable living here on earth.

I want this course!

- Wondering what your next move is...
- Wasting time on business ideas that aren't profitable...
- Unsure if this business is "God's will" for you...
- Building a business sustained by your capacity...
- Fear of operating a business influenced by the world...

- Wondering what your next move is...

- Wasting time on business ideas that aren't profitable...

- Unsure if this business is "God's will" for you...

- Building a business sustained by your capacity...

- Fear of operating a business influenced by the world...


I'm ready from change!

to This:

+ Having templates, tutorials, and specific steps to take.
+ Turning your dreams and ideas into a profitable plan.
+ Knowing how to move in faith and surrender it all to God.
+ Experiencing the joy and freedom of a business sustained by God.
+ Building an eternally-impactful, Biblically-sound business.

+ Having templates, tutorials, and specific steps to take.

+ Turning your dreams and ideas into a profitable plan.

+ Knowing how to move in faith and surrender it all to God.

+ Experiencing the joy and freedom of a business sustained by God.

+ Building an eternally-impactful, Biblically-sound business.


Get answers to common

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

Proin rutrum nibh vitae orci faucibus elementum. Integer odio mauris, fringilla a aliquet placerat, vehicula non magna. Proin molestie tellus eu volutpat suscipit. Maecenas dictum rhoncus sapien ac imperdiet. Aenean auctor pulvinar felis id tincidunt. Donec iaculis purus ac ante tincidunt, sit amet venenatis purus rhoncus. 

There's a better way  to do business.

A way filled with joy and freedom. A way sustained by Jesus  instead of self. A way that allows you to earn an income while making an eternal impact. And it can start here.

I want to build it better!