In our age of social media, there are SO MANY influencers and Instagram accounts out there! Here’s a way to determine which accounts are the best for you to follow and which are not… Read these questions and either journal your answers or think through the answers in your head: 1. Why do you follow […]

Are You Following the #1 Influencer Right Now?

Are You Following the #1 Influencer Right Now?



In our age of social media, there are SO MANY influencers and Instagram accounts out there! Here’s a way to determine which accounts are the best for you to follow and which are not…

Read these questions and either journal your answers or think through the answers in your head:

1. Why do you follow who you follow?

2. Why are they considered an influencer?

3. How do they influence you?

4. Do you think who you follow affects the way you view yourself and your life?

Be SUPER honest with yourself when answering these questions!

Also, are you following the #1 influencer out there right now? He has billions of followers, more than any other influencer in history! He never buys ads or followers. He is genuine, and every word He has ever written is to speak life and truth into those who are reading.

Whether or not you believe what I do, you probably know who I’m talking about…

Yeah, you guessed it. It’s Jesus!

It makes me laugh to think of what Jesus would be like on Instagram. What would He post on Christmas Day? Would He shout out Taylor Swift with the caption, “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2,022!” Haha I couldn’t resist writing that.

For real though. If I followed Jesus, wouldn’t that be the only influencer I would truly strive to be like? Of course I’d still follow fashion, travel, and business accounts, but I would ultimately only heed the advice of those accounts if it lined up with the truth I learned from THE Influencer. At least, I hope I would only heed true advice from those accounts.

Personally, I’ve had to unfollow certain people after I sat down and answered the questions I asked you in the beginning of this post. I realized I was following them because I wanted to look like them, have a cute boyfriend like they do, or have the lifestyle they have. None of that is productive or beneficial to me. I used to follow a lot of business accounts that posted a lot about being millionaires and living luxurious lifestyles means you are successful.

A couple months ago, God was like “LIANA! WOULD YOU RATHER STORE UP TREASURES ON EARTH OR TREASURES IN HEAVEN.” Even though being called out isn’t fun, I responded, “Okay, God. Yeah, I needed that temp check!” He showed me that it’s okay that I work hard in building my business so I can live comfortably and buy things I enjoy. It’s just that these things should not be my main priority and motivation to succeed. I had to unfollow those accounts and follow God’s Word more closely to get back to that place of wanting JESUS to be the one to define my success.

So, let’s do this together! Ask a friend to hold you accountable if that’s helpful! Let’s pay attention and refrain from blindly follow Instagram accounts that aren’t beneficial to our ETERNAL success, and follow the accounts that support our faith, our love for others, and the positive view we have of ourselves!

And most importantly, remember who our #1 Influencer is and ask Him to “influence” EVERY aspect of our lives!

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With Love & Belief,

Faith Category



Are You Following the #1 Influencer Right Now?


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